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dc.contributor.authorВасильченко, Сергій Миколайович-
dc.identifier.citationSerhiy Vasylchenko. Globalization and strategic planning of local development in the contest of energy safety of the country. / Scientific and educational journal; Geneva, Switzerland, December 2015 # 5, Volume 2. / Serhiy Vasylchenko, GalynaVasylchenko. Geneva : Publishing Center of The interna-tional scientific asso-ciation of economists “Consilium”. - 2015. - P. 58-61.- [Електро-нний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: www.isaec.infouk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe process of globalization of world economy opens new legal conformities, launches new “rules of the game”, and changes equal responsibilities for local development and algorithms of making decision by executives in the field of economic policy both on national and on regional levels. The authors prove that the simultaneous action of globalization and localizations is the formula of “new” economy: globalization of world economy leads to strengthening of role of local communities in economic development and local territories and the country. Globalization and localization are indissoluble processes, they operate synchronously: the deeper globalization is, the stronger localization of economic development is. Separate local markets compete for the streams of international capital and grow into the peculiar “growing points”, competitive territories of increase become powerful cells of progress. The growth of national economy consists of the growth of local economies and local territorial communities. The economy growth in the conditions of globalization becomes local.uk_UA
dc.publisherGeneva : Publishing Center of The interna-tional scientific asso-ciation of economists “Consilium”.uk_UA
dc.subjectglobalization of world economy, local economies , local communities.uk_UA
dc.titleGlobalization and strategic planning of local development in the contest of energy safety of the country.uk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (ЕФ)

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