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Title: Educational dialogue as the means of improving the dialogical communication skills of non-philological students while teaching foreign languages
Authors: Savchak, Iryna
Poznanskyi, Roman
Lapina, Viktoriia
Савчак, Ірина Василівна
Keywords: dialogical communication, educational dialogue, means, model.
Issue Date: 7-May-2020
Publisher: Revista ESPACIOS
Citation: SAVCHAK, Iryna V.,POZNANSKYI, Roman V., LAPINA, Viktoriia О.(2020). Educational dialogue as the means of improving the dialogical communication skills of non-philological students while teaching foreign languages. Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015 Vol. 41 (Nº 16), p.20
Series/Report no.: 41;16
Abstract: The paper substantiates the relevance of foreign language communicative training of students of non-philological majors who are able to use the English language actively in their future professional activities. The emphasis is on educational dialogue as the means helping improve the dialogical communication skills. The paper has analyzed the legal and regulatory support of Ukrainian education in the context of the problem. The ideas of such concepts as "dialogical communication" and "educational dialogue" have been specified on the basis of analysis of scientific sources. The effective model of forming readiness of non-philological students to a successful foreign language dialogical communication while using educational dialogue has been developed which content involves the key positions of the developed technique.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/7641
ISSN: 0798 1015
Appears in Collections:Статті та тези (ФІПМВ)

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