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dc.contributor.authorМонолатій, Тетяна Петрівна-
dc.identifier.citationМонолатій Т. Йозеф Рот як журналіст і автор репортажів Polnisch russischer Krieg. Spheres of Culture: Journal of Philology, History, Social and Media Communication, Political Science and Cultural Studies. Lublin, 2018. Vol. 17. P. 225–233.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn the article there is researched issue of journalist activity of Joseph Roth – classic of Austrian literature of 20 th century. There is analyzed a series of reports about Polish- Soviet War that were published in 1920. In spite of antipathy to the Polish army and sympathy for the Red Army, the reports of Polnisch-russischer Krieg show ability of observing of 24 years old journalist, his ability to political analysis of actual events. Apparent sovietophilism and imposing polonophobia in journalism topics of Yozeph Rot explain his impressions about massacre of Jews in 1918 and 1920.uk_UA
dc.publisherMaria Curie-Sklodovska University in Lublin; Faculty of Humanities; Branch of Ukrainian Studiesuk_UA
dc.subjectreport, Joseph Roth, Polish-Soviet War, Poland, Soviet Russia, Austria, Weimar Germany-uk_UA
dc.titleЙозеф Рот як журналіст і автор репортажів Polnisch russischer Krieguk_UA
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