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Title: Theoretical and practical aspects of monitoring the quality of future foreign language teachers’ training
Authors: Romanyshyn, Ihor
Keywords: quality of education, monitoring, methodological competence, teacher training
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Theoretical and practical aspects of monitoring the quality of future foreign language teachers’ training. In Science and Education a New Dimension. Pedagogy and Psychology, V (59), Issue: 134, 2017. P. 41–44.
Abstract: The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of the quality of the training of future teachers of foreign languages (FL), the need for its monitoring in universities. It provides characteristics of the notion of "quality of education", "quality of higher education", "educational monitoring", "monitoring the quality of education", "monitoring the quality of education in a higher educational institution"; studies its varieties, functions, tasks, objects, stages of carrying out. The author emphasizes the importance of monitoring the methodological training of the future teacher of FL, shares the mechanisms of internal and external monitoring, which are implemented within the framework of the joint project of the British Council Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "New Generation School Teacher."
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