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Title: Identities involving sums of products of Fibonacci polynomials and multinomial coefficients
Authors: Гой, Тарас Петрович
Keywords: Fibonacci polynomial
Toeplitz-Hessenberg matrix
Trudi’s formula
multinomial coefficient
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Goy, T. Identities involving sums of products of Fibonacci polynomials and multinomial coefficients / T. Goy // Фундаментальные и приклад¬ные проблемы математики и информатики: Материалы XIII Междунар. конф., приур. к 55-летию факультета математики и компьютерных наук (г. Махачкала, 16–20 сент. 2019 г.). – Махачкала: Изд-во ДГУ, 2019. – C. 57–59.
Abstract: We consider determinants for some families of Toeplitz-Hessenberg matrices the entries of which are Fibonacci polynomials introduced by E. C. Catalan. These determinant formulas may also be rewritten as identities involving sums of products of Fibonacci polynomials and multinomial coefficients.
Appears in Collections:Статті та тези (ФМІ)

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