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dc.contributor.authorHoian, Ihor-
dc.contributor.authorFedyk, Oksana-
dc.identifier.citationGender as an axiological Construct / I. Hoian, O. Fedyk // Вісник Прикарпатського університету. Філософські і психологічні науки. - 2018. - Вип. 21. - С. 101-106.uk_UA
dc.identifier.issnISSN 2312-1211-
dc.description.abstractIn the study we formulate the theoretical foundations of the paradigm of axiological gender constructing. It has been proved that the formation of gender relations has an axiological dimension. To substantiate such an opinion and analyze the essence of gender relations, the method of axiological gender constructing has been applied. Using this method gives reason to assert that gender is an axiological construct, formed on the basis of value system, which creates the basis for understanding the value of representatives of one sex or the other. In the context of the axiological construction of gender roles, they should be interpreted as a dynamic phenomenon that is constantly in the process of formation and creation. A person tends to emulate gender roles within a particular society on the basis of the values and models of the masculinity or femininity priority offered in the process of socialization. Gender roles are motivated by values and ideologically determined by the processes of learning, education and self-education. From the perspective of axiological construction, gender is an axiological model of human behavior in relation to a representative of another gender. Materials and methods. The object of research is the processes of the gender relations deployment. The subject of the study is the axiological mechanisms for constructing gender relations. The research is based on the works of B. Anderson, V. Budz, E. Hobsbaum, L. Zahrai, I. Kant, K. Kyslyuk, S. Storozhuk, T. Ranger, Y. Harari. The study uses methods of axiological gender construction, cultural pluralism, permanent culture dynamics, as well as axiological, synergistic and multifactorial approaches that seek to study the fundamentals of the paradigm of axiological gender constructing. Results and their interpretation. We propose to interpret gender as an axiological construct, as a philosophical interpretation that defines the parameters of relations between the sexes that are inherited within a particular culture or subculture that can develop and be dynamic. Gender relations are formed as an imitation of a certain axiological tradition, but do not function as a natural objective fact that is independent of the will of a person. Gender roles depend on the conscious will of a person, on the structure of his/her consciousness, beliefs, world outlook and his/her values, which a person confesses or imitates in the process of socialization. These or other gender roles are usually legalized and recognized at the level of moral and legal norms, but in general at the level of substantiation of the value of man in general and the values of wome particular.uk_UA
dc.publisherВісник Прикарпатського університету.uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesФілософські і психологічні науки. - 2018. - Вип. 21.;-
dc.subjectsocial construction of the gender (what distinguishes it from the axiological one?); axiological gender constructing; multiple-factor construction of the gender; gender stereotypes; gender relationships.uk_UA
dc.titleGender as an axiological Constructuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (ФП)

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