Будь ласка, використовуйте цей ідентифікатор, щоб цитувати або посилатися на цей матеріал: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2805
Title: Peculiarities of regional circulation in sportsmen who are planting forces of different qualification
Authors: Vintoniak, Oleg
Chrobatyn, I
Zacharkevich, T
Vypasniak, Ihor
Popel, S
Keywords: force triathlon, adaptation, cardiovascular system, erythrocytes
Issue Date: Feb-2019
Publisher: Journal of Physical Education and Sport
Citation: Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), Vol 19 (Supplement issue 2), Art 48, pp 323 - 328., 2019 online ISSN: 2247 - 806X; p-ISSN: 2247 – 8051; ISSN - L = 2247 - 8051 © JPES
Series/Report no.: Vol 19 (Supplement issue 2);
Abstract: Objective: The aim of the work is to study the features of peripheral hemodynamics of individual segments of the lower limb in athletes involved in power triathlon at rest. Method: Rheovasographic methods and electron microscopy of red blood cells were used to study the regional blood flow. Results: The study of regional blood circulation features according to the rheovasogram data in the “hip”, “leg” and “foot” areas and the structure of peripheral blood erythrocytes showed that changes in the lower extremity vessels in athletes involved in power triathlon indicate an adverse reaction to intense physical activity, which depends on the level of skill of athletes and the segment of the lower limb, and on the morphofunctional characteristics of peripheral blood erythrocytes.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2805
ISSN: 2247 - 806X
Appears in Collections:Статті та тези (ФФВС)

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