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dc.contributor.authorMatkovskyi, P.-
dc.contributor.authorShelenko, D.-
dc.contributor.authorSas, L.-
dc.contributor.authorBalaniuk, I.-
dc.identifier.citationMatkovskyi P., Shelenko D., Sas L., Balaniuk I. Innovatization of agricultural enterprises in the context of the economy modernization. European Journal of Economics and Management. Vol. 5 Issue 2. 2019. p. 79-85.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractInformation as a valuable product becomes more and more important. The new information is the value, which carries the opportunity to combine existing factors in such a way that a synergistic effect is created. Today, in the fourth transitional age of biotechnology, the innovation novelty remains an urgent factor for the development of agricultural enterprises. In the captivity of an innovation vacuum, it is precisely those enterprises that create as much as possible additional jobs, form the middle class of the economy and remain the basis for guaranteeing democratic forms of government. One of the variants of innovative awakening in the activity of agricultural enterprises can be the implementation of innovative marketing and the integration of the innovation provider as an intermediary in the relationship the producer of innovations ‒ the consumer of innovations. agricultural enterprises, modernization of the economy, marketing of innovations, innovative attractiveness of enterprises, innovation providers, research institutes.uk_UA
dc.publisherEuropean Journal of Economics and Management.uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 5 Issue 2. 2019. p. 79-85.;-
dc.subjectagricultural enterprises, modernization of the economy, marketing of innovations, innovative attractiveness of enterprises, innovation providers, research institutes.uk_UA
dc.titleInnovatization of agricultural enterprises in the context of the economy modernization.uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeInnovatization of agricultural enterprises in the context of the economy modernization.uk_UA
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