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dc.contributor.authorYakubiv, Valentyna-
dc.contributor.authorBoryshkevych, Iryna-
dc.contributor.authorYakubiv, Roman-
dc.identifier.citationYakubiv V., Boryshkevych I., Yakubiv R. Balanced System of Economic Performances as a Strategy-forming Tool of Development of Agricultural Enterprises // Scientific Papers Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development”. 2019. Vol. 19. Issue 3. P. 669-679.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractA strategy is a long-term mark of enterprises’ activities that directs its efforts at obtaining higher results compared to its competitors. The article displays the results of conducted sociological investigation of application tendencies of different tools of strategic planning in practical activities of agricultural enterprises. This served as the basis of defining main problems of strategic planning management and the perspectives of its development. The authors improved the strategic planning management methodology on the basis of application balanced system of economic performances by taking into account the efficiency of the use of land, financial, labor and material and technical resources. The criterion scale of evaluating strategic planning ability of agricultural enterprises has been designed. The obtained investigation results serve as the basis for selection of strategic planning analysis tools and methods of strategy construction of agricultural enterprises development.uk_UA
dc.publisherScientific Papers Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development”uk_UA
dc.subjectstrategic planning analysisuk_UA
dc.subjectagricultural enterpriseuk_UA
dc.subjectbalanced systemuk_UA
dc.subjecteconomic performancuk_UA
dc.titleBalanced System of Economic Performances as a Strategy-forming Tool of Development of Agricultural Enterprisesuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (ІПОДП)

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