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dc.contributor.authorKostruba, Anatoliy-
dc.contributor.authorКоструба, Анатолій Володимирович-
dc.identifier.citationKostruba (2023) Derivative Claim in the Ukrainian System of Remedies for Corporate Legal Relations.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractCorporate law contains many gaps and deficiencies in legal doctrine to date. Therefore, it is important to identify these shortcomings and propose solutions to eliminate them. This paper examines the derivative claim, which ensures the restoration of rights and interests of any person participating in corporate legal relations. The study utilizes dialectical, historical, and comparative methods to analyze the establishment, development, and operation of economic entities. The analysis identifies key trends in corporate rights redress, as well as the advantages, disadvantages, and efficiency of applying derivative claims in the system of remedies for subjects of corporate legal relations. The study concludes that a derivative claim is an essential instrument for corporate governance and conflict resolution. However, further research is needed to develop practical recommendations for addressing issues in Ukrainian corporate law.uk_UA
dc.publisherUniversidade Portucalense Cooperativa de Ensino Superior, Revista Jurídica Portucalense. 34 (2023). 6-23uk_UA
dc.subjectlegal interestuk_UA
dc.subjecteconomic activityuk_UA
dc.subjectderivative claimuk_UA
dc.subjectlegal entityuk_UA
dc.subjectconflict resolutionuk_UA
dc.subjectcorporate governanceuk_UA
dc.subjectcorporate responsibilityuk_UA
dc.subjectкорпоративні юридичні відносиниuk_UA
dc.subjectюридичні фактиuk_UA
dc.subjectюридична особаuk_UA
dc.subjectзахист корпоративних правuk_UA
dc.titleDerivative Claim in the Ukrainian System of Remedies for Corporate Legal Relationsuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeAção derivada no sistema ucraniano de recursos para relações jurídicas empresariaisuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (ННЮІ)

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