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dc.contributor.authorIngram, Keisha LaRaine-
dc.contributor.authorDiachenko, Oleksii-
dc.contributor.authorHalytskyi, O.-
dc.contributor.authorNitsenko, Vitalii-
dc.contributor.authorRomaniuk, Mykhailo-
dc.contributor.authorZhumbei, Marianna-
dc.contributor.authorРоманюк, Михайло Дмитрович-
dc.contributor.authorЖумбей, Маріанна Михайлівна-
dc.identifier.citationIngram K., Diachenko O., Halytskyi O., Nitsenko V., Romaniuk V., Zhumbei M. (2022). Formalization of the optimal choice of the activities of agricultural enterprises for the implementation of information and communication technologies. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, 3 (44), 141149. DOI: https://doi.org/10.55643/ fcaptp.3.44.2022.3758uk_UA
dc.identifier.otherDOI: https://doi.org/10.55643/ fcaptp.3.44.2022.3758-
dc.description.abstractMethodological approaches that allow introducing effective management of an agro-company in conditions of risk, in particular, by optimal diversification of activities and analysis of results and directions of influence of information and communication tech-nologies on management decisions in agribusiness have been developed. The level of relevance of the mathematical model and methods of analysis are increased using the approach of taking into account the uneven dynamics of indicators of digital competi-tiveness of the country. By the example of the projected reduction of the total land bank of leading Ukrainian agricultural holdings, it is proved that the latest information tech-nologies stimulate the transition from the extensive to an intensive method of doing business and contribute to the growing role of information and communication technol-ogies to increase the efficiency of enterprises. The mathematical model of the compa-ny's management has been improved and for the first-time methods of analysis that allow determining and optimizing the activities of agricultural holdings in a formalized way have been proposed. An improved application of the indicative method as a tool to increase the level of relevance of mathematical formalization is proposed. For the first time, it is stated that information and communication technologies are not only a man-agement tool, but also a factor of strategic restructuring of the company. For the first time, it has been proved that the introduction of information technologies accelerates trends in the intensive development of agricultural holdings, in particular, in approaches to the formation of land banks. For the first time, using a practical example it has been shown that even the most diversified agricultural holdings need to improve the ratio of activity areas permanently, responding to external challenges. The proposed mathe-matical formalization can be applied in research and practical work. The use of the developed mathematical model allowed proving the possibility of effective distribution of activities of agro-holdings for future periods with relevant leveling of risks using a practical example.uk_UA
dc.subjectnformation and communication technologies, areas of activity, agricultural holdings, risks, mathematical modeluk_UA
dc.titleFormalization of the optimal choice of the activities of agricultural enterprises for the implementation of information and communication technologies.uk_UA
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