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dc.contributor.authorКуравська, Наталія Юріївна-
dc.identifier.citationКуравська Н. Семантичні моделі висловлень з модальними значеннями волевиявлення в українській мові (на матеріалі художніх текстів другої пол. ХХ ст.). Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia. Warszawa, 2016. № 4. С. 175–187.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to the studying of semantic patterns of utterances with modal meanings of volition in the Ukrainian language. Volitive modality is determined as a peculiar type of modality that consists in expressing the speaker’s will, aimed at the accomplishment of a connection between the subject and its feature. Different semantic classifi - cations of utterances with modal meanings of volition are considered; modal meanings of volition are allocated and systematized in the article. The modal meaning of volition is shown as a collection of the following semantic areas: categorical, tempered and neutral. Classifi cation of semantic patterns of utterances with modal meanings of volition in the Ukrainian language is developed in the article: utterances with the modal meaning of categorical volition (imperative, directive, vetative), utterances with the modal meaning of mitigatory volition (prohibitive, optative, permissive, cohortative, desiderative), and utterances with the modal meaning of intentional volition (recommendative, requestive, jussive, debitive).uk_UA
dc.publisherStudia Ucrainica Varsoviensiauk_UA
dc.subjectvolitive modality, modal meaning of volition, semantic pattern, categorical volition, mitigatory volition, intentional volition.uk_UA
dc.titleСемантичні моделі висловлень з модальними значеннями волевиявлення в українській мові (на матеріалі художніх текстів другої пол. ХХ ст.)uk_UA
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