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dc.contributor.authorГой, Тарас Петрович-
dc.contributor.authorShattuck, Mark-
dc.identifier.citationGoy T., Shattuck M. Determinants of some Hessenberg–Toeplitz matrices with Motzkin number entries. Journal of Integer Sequences. 2023. Vol. 26. Article 23.3.4uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we find formulas for the determinants of some Hessenberg–Toeplitz matrices whose nonzero entries are derived from the Motzkin number sequence and its translates. We provide both algebraic and combinatorial proofs of our results, making use of generating functions for the former and various counting methods, such as direct enumeration, sign-changing involutions, and bijections, for the latter. In the process, it is shown that three important classes of lattice paths—namely, the Motzkin paths, the Riordan paths, and the so-called Motzkin left factors—have their cardinalities given as determinants of certain Hessenberg–Toeplitz matrices with Motzkin number entries. Further formulas are found for determinant identities involving two sequences from the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, which are subsequently explained bijectively.uk_UA
dc.subjectMotzkin numberuk_UA
dc.subjectMotzkin pathuk_UA
dc.subjectRiordan numberuk_UA
dc.subjectCatalan numberuk_UA
dc.subjectHessenberg-Toeplitz matrixuk_UA
dc.subjectTrudi’s formulauk_UA
dc.subjectgenerating functionuk_UA
dc.titleDeterminants of some Hessenberg–Toeplitz matrices with Motzkin number entriesuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (ФМІ)

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