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dc.contributor.authorПетровська, Ірина Ігорівна-
dc.identifier.citationПетровська І.І. Адміністративні послуги в правовій системі України. Актуальні питання вдосконалення законодавства України. Вип. 59, 2022. С. 154-167uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article is devotes to the characteristics of the place of administrative services among the relations of legal regulation. It describes the relationship between administrative services and services and the common features of all legal relations for the provision of services. It also describes the features of administrative services, which can be distinguished from other public services. Administrative services are a type of public services, the result of the exercise of power of the subject of their provision at the request of an individuals or organizations, aimed at acquiring, changing or terminating the rights and/or obligations of the applicant in accordance with law. Public services is a type of services that provide of public authorities (state and local governments) and/or at the expense of public funds (state or local budgets) in legal system. The Institute of Administrative Services is part of the Administrative Law of Ukraine as a public, fundamental branch of law, which has a modern subject of study the public administration. Administrative services are endowed with the properties and characteristics of services and public services, but have specific features that allow them to be identified. This are, first, the subject of the provision of administrative services is an employee of the public administration whose powers specify the obligation to provide them; secondly, the procedure for their provision is subject to the Law of Ukraine “On Administrative Services”. Among the types of administrative services are state and municipal; permits, registration, social protection. Permitting administrative services are the issuance of permits, licenses, coordination of routes, etc. Registration administrative services are related to entering information in official public registers / cadastres. Social protection administrative services are the receipt of special administrative and legal statuses that provide the right to payments, compensations, benefits, advantages, etc. In modern conditions, information technologies based on the principle of e-government are actively used in the provision of administrative services. Key words: administrative services, public services, private services, services, public administration.uk_UA
dc.subjectадміністративні послугиuk_UA
dc.subjectадміністративне правоuk_UA
dc.subjectпублічні послугиuk_UA
dc.subjectприватні послугиuk_UA
dc.titleАдміністративні послуги в правовій системі Україниuk_UA
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