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Назва: Higher Education Institutions Management in a Pandemic
Автори: Поясик, Оксана Іванівна
Kanishevska, Lyubov
Shakhrai, Valentyna
Alieksieieva, Svitlana
Poyasyk, Oksana
Tolochko, Svitlana
Khrapatyi, Serhii
Ключові слова: hybrid learning
distance learning
health camps
health courses
higher education
medical services
mental health
Дата публікації: 2022
Бібліографічний опис: Kanishevska L. Higher Education Institutions Management in a Pandemic / L. Kanishevska, V. Shakhrai, S. Alieksieieva, O. Poyasyk, S. Tolochko, S. Khrapatyi // Journal of Curriculum and Teaching/ - 2022. - Vol. 11, No. 9; Special Issue. - P. 20-29.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article studies higher education institutions' management systems during the pandemic. The research field was determined by two modern higher educational institutions - Kyiv University named after Taras Shevchenko and Lviv Polytechnic National University. Their activities were evaluated on the basis of developed strategies, development plans and internal quality management documentation. The conducted research revealed a complex of interrelated problems. Technical problems are associated with the involvement and maintenance of relevant software complexes. Educational and methodological problems consist in the improvement and adaptation of methodological complexes and the system of evaluating the results of student learning in the aspect of control. Management problems focused on solving operational control over the educational process and its quality content. The research proved that the management of higher education institutions solves the identified problems independently through the formation of auxiliary departments of academic mobility, internal control and audit, targeted training, and international cooperation. However, it was noted that the problem related to communication - "student-teacher" remains unsolved, despite personal-oriented training in combination with traditional ones based on many years of pedagogical experience. In general, the necessity of applying flexible teaching methods to higher educational institutions to adapt to the long-term pandemic was noted.
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Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (КННІ)

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Higher Education Institutions Management in a Pandemic.pdfThe article studies higher education institutions' management systems during the pandemic. The research field was determined by two modern higher educational institutions - Kyiv University named after Taras Shevchenko and Lviv Polytechnic National University. Their activities were evaluated on the basis of developed strategies, development plans and internal quality management documentation. The conducted research revealed a complex of interrelated problems. Technical problems are associated with the involvement and maintenance of relevant software complexes. Educational and methodological problems consist in the improvement and adaptation of methodological complexes and the system of evaluating the results of student learning in the aspect of control. Management problems focused on solving operational control over the educational process and its quality content. The research proved that the management of higher education institutions solves the identified problems independently through the formation of auxiliary departments of academic mobility, internal control and audit, targeted training, and international cooperation. However, it was noted that the problem related to communication - "student-teacher" remains unsolved, despite personal-oriented training in combination with traditional ones based on many years of pedagogical experience. In general, the necessity of applying flexible teaching methods to higher educational institutions to adapt to the long-term pandemic was noted215.13 kBAdobe PDFПереглянути/Відкрити

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