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Title: Феминитивы-русизмы в истории украинского языка
Other Titles: Feminitive-russisms in the history of Ukrainian language
Authors: Брус, Марія Петрівна
Keywords: the history of the Ukrainian language
Ukrainian-Russian language links
feminism-russism, borrowing
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Брус М. П. Феминитивы-русизмы в истории украинского языка. Science and Education a New Dimension. Philology. VI (49). Issue: 166, 2018. June. Р. 11–15.
Abstract: The article reveals the history of feminitives of Russian origin in the Ukrainian language. Ukrainian-Russian linguistic and extralinguistic communication of preliterate and written epo have been analyzed. It is emphasized that the specific Russian feminitives were not fixed in the Ukrainian language in preliterate and early literate periods. Therefore it’s history should be analyzed only since the old Ukrainian era, especially during the new and modern Ukrainian periods. The attention is focused on that fact that the main stream of Russism feminitives in the Ukrainian language was fixed in the 20 th century. Modern Ukrainian language tries to deal with it in the 21st century to show it’s own lexical abundance and it’s identity.
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