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dc.contributor.authorЧерепанин, Роман Миронович-
dc.contributor.authorГлєб, Руслан-
dc.contributor.authorЛоя, Власта-
dc.contributor.authorКабаль, Мирослав-
dc.contributor.authorПартика, Тетяна-
dc.contributor.authorКучма, Тетяна-
dc.contributor.authorБедернічек, Тимур-
dc.identifier.citationBedernichek T., Partyka T., Cherepanyn R., Kuchma T., et al. (2018). Environmental impact of the planned ski resort SVYDOVETS: far-reaching consequences on the ecosystems and biodiversity // 5 th Forum Carpaticum "Adapting to Environmental and Social Risk in the Carpathian Mountain Region" (Hotel Eger-Park, Eger, Hungary, 15-18 October 2018). - P. 74-75. (Eng)uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe Svydovets is a mountain range located in Western Ukraine. It is one of the highest ranges of the Eastern Carpathians, with 4 peaks higher than 1700 m a.s.l. and one peak higher than 1800 m a.s.l. More than half of all glacier lakes in the Ukrainian Carpathians (9 out of 17) are located there as well as one of the key components of the transnational composite nature UNESCO World Heritage site “Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe.” The whole mountain range is a unique part of the Ukrainian Carpathians due to the high concentration of rare, red-listed, relict and endemic plant, animal and fungi species. The central part of the Svydovets mountain range and the upper part of the Chorna Tysa River are important for both the Ukrainian Carpathians and the entire Carpathian mountain system because they ensure the ecological stability of the region. In particular, according to the data published in "Nature Conservation Value of the Central Svydovets Mountains (Ukrainian Carpathians)" [1], the territory of the massif is home to 42 plant species and 51 animal species listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine [2]. There is a number of protected areas on the territory of the Svydovets massif. In particular, the southwestern part of the massif belongs to the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. 4 objects are nature protected areas (zakazniks) of local and national importance: Smerekovi Carpaty forest reserve, Apshynetsky hydrological reserve, Bila ta Chorna Tysa ichthyological reserve and Stanislav botanical reserve. 3 more objects are natural monuments: Vorozheska hydrological natural monument, Gerezhaska hydrological natural monument, and Andromeda botanical natural monument. The Svydovets is also part of the Emerald Network, which is protected by international environmental treaties, including the Berne Convention [3] that is also ratified in Ukraine. The implementation of the Emerald Network principles in Ukraine will help improve the legal framework for biodiversity conservation, provide practical tools to form a national ecological network and harmonize Ukrainian environmental legislation with the standards of the EU Community, including NATURA 2000 principles. As of November 2016, the Standing Committee of the Berne Convention approved 271 objects of the Emerald Network on the territory of Ukraine. In particular, there are 2 objects on the territory of the planned resort: Skhidnyi Svydovets [4] and Marmaroski ta ChyvchynoHryniavski Hory [5]. Unfortunately, there are plans to build the largest ski resort in the Carpathians in this unique place. The total area of the recreational complex will cover 1430 hectares, according to the announcements 15-18 October 2018 Eger, Hungary Page 75 made on the planned activity [6]. 23 ropeways, 120 restaurants, 60 hotels, 390 cottages, 10 shopping centers, 17 rental equipment items, 2 bank branches, 3 fitness centers, 5 multi-storeyed parking spaces for 6000 cars, 230 km of ski tracks and 89.9 km of highways are planned to be built. Altogether, the infrastructure is designed to accommodate 22,000 people at the same time. About 800 hectares have been earmarked for housing, commercial, economic and recreational infrastructure, including the area for engineering communications. It is planned to build several reservoirs with the total volume of 1,260,000 m³ to provide the necessary amount of water both for tourists and for the artificial snow production. Also, up to 5,800 m³ of sewage waters will be produced by the ski resort daily and depleted directly into Bila ta Chorna Tysa ichthyological reserve, which is also a part of Marmaroski ta Chyvchyno-Hryniavski Hory Emerald site.uk_UA
dc.publisherForum Carpaticumuk_UA
dc.subjectEnvironmental impact, ski resort SVYDOVETS, far-reaching сonsequences, ecosystems, biodiversityuk_UA
dc.titleEnvironmental impact of the planned ski resort SVYDOVETS: far-reaching Consequences on the ecosystems and biodiversityuk_UA
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