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Title: Ступінь і характер етнонаціоналізмів: приклади Галичини й Буковини австрійської доби
Authors: Монолатій, Іван Сергійович
Keywords: Етнонаціоналізм, етнічність, ідентичність, Галичина, Буковина
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича
Citation: Монолатій І. Ступінь і характер етнонаціоналізмів: приклади Галичини й Буковини австрійської доби // Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу. Чернівці: Рута, 2009. Т. 19-20. С. 158-163.
Abstract: The investigations of ethnic nationalism in ethnic community in Galicia and Bukovyna of the Austrian period show that national policy of Austria-Hungarian authority was of both-sized view and of inner contrary that’s why it was ailed from the beginning. On one hand, official doctor’s staff acted in Vienna concerning national issues, in its way, co-existence of monarchy nations throughout several decades of the 2nd part of the 19th century and the 1st decade of the 20th century. On the other hand, ethnic nationalism had grown among non-historical nations of dual empire with the help of central and local authorities. As we know, synthetic construction of ethnic federation in Austria-Hungarian period had caused to the fact that non-historical and territorial but ethnic principle had been taken as the basis of its ethnic-national meaning. It appeared to be “the mine of slow reaction” in its ethnic uncertainty. Galicia and Bukovyna during Austrian period can be one of examples of a common rule, which means that ethnically various Habsburg’s provinces, taking presence or absence of ethnic nationalisms, are constantly.
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