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dc.contributor.authorKostruba, Anatoliy-
dc.contributor.authorВасильєва, Валентина Антонівна-
dc.contributor.authorVasylieva, Valentyna-
dc.contributor.authorКоструба, Анатолій Володимирович-
dc.identifier.citationVasylieva V. A., Kostruba A. V. Corporate law in Ukraine within the framework of approaching the European Union standards // Часопис Київського університету права. №1. 2020. С.181-188.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to adaptation of the national corporate law to the law of European Union`s corporations. Special attention has been given to define the legal nature of the corporation. It is concluded that there is no established understanding of the above concepts in national legal science. The main approaches to the corporate legal nature in particular European systems of justice – in FRG, France, England – are considered in depth. Significant differences between the legislation of Ukraine and legislation of the European Union countries based on the history of their development and peculiarities of specific national systems of justice are detected. The regulation of corporate relations in the European Union at supranational level is considered. It is concluded that the European Union supranational law is its corporate law. The priority areas for unification of European corporate law at the supranational level are analyzed. The main instruments to adjust the activities of corporations in EU law are identified to be the Directives aimed at harmonizing and unifying national legislation of EU Member States.uk_UA
dc.publisherКиївський університет праваuk_UA
dc.subjectCivil Lawuk_UA
dc.subjectcompany lawuk_UA
dc.subjectcorporative lawuk_UA
dc.subjectcorporate governanceuk_UA
dc.subjectcorporate relationsuk_UA
dc.subjectкорпоративний контрольuk_UA
dc.subjectюридична особаuk_UA
dc.subjectцивільне правоuk_UA
dc.subjectкорпоративное управлениеuk_UA
dc.subjectкорпоративне управлінняuk_UA
dc.titleCorporate law in Ukraine within the framework of approaching the European Union standardsuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeПраво корпорацій в Україні в контексті наближення до стандартів Європейського Союзуuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (ННЮІ)

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