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dc.contributor.authorКобецька, Надія Романівна-
dc.contributor.authorМороз, Галина Василівна-
dc.contributor.authorМироненко, Ігор Віталійович-
dc.contributor.authorВівчаренко, Олег Антонович-
dc.contributor.authorKobetska, Nadiia-
dc.contributor.authorMoroz, Galina-
dc.contributor.authorMyronenko, Ihor-
dc.contributor.authorVivcharenko, Oleh-
dc.identifier.citationMoroz G., Myronenko I., Vivcharenko O., Kobetska N. Environmental Restrictions on the Exercise of Land Rights: European Experience. International Journal of Agricultural Extension. 2021. Special Issue (02). S. 73–81.uk_UA
dc.identifier.otherDOI: 10.33687/ijae.009.00.3963-
dc.description.abstractThe current land reforms in Ukraine are aimed at supporting the rational use and protection of land protection. At the same time, as a result of difficult social, political and economic conditions, the processes of exercising rights to land resources have become more complicated. Ploughed land reaches 57% of the total territory, which is the highest rate in the world. The purpose of the study is to determine the essence of environmental restrictions on the exercise of land rights in the context of new land relations based on the experience of European countries, as well as to reveal the conceptual foundations of land use at the present stage of legislative and regulatory issues. Modern processes do not meet the requirements of rational use of natural resources, violating acceptable ratios. Problems with the balance of nutrients in agriculture and violation of environmentally acceptable areas of the environment have become more acute. Rules on environmental restrictions are established on the territory of the state to resolve issues of land use and protection. Their compliance is a prerequisite for all executive authorities in the field of environmental restrictions, as well as for all individuals and legal entities that are users or owners of land resources. The practical significance lies in the justification of methods and tools for rationing restrictions on the protection of land resources, land management programs, as well as the use of recommendations and materials by state employees of land, environmental and executive bodies.uk_UA
dc.subjectAgricultural sectoruk_UA
dc.subjectResearch institutionsuk_UA
dc.subjectExperimentation Agricultureuk_UA
dc.titleEnvironmental Restrictions on the Exercise of Land Rights: European Experienceuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (ННЮІ)

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