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dc.contributor.authorShulha, L.-
dc.contributor.authorHnizdilova, O.-
dc.contributor.authorMatishak, M.-
dc.contributor.authorMarchii-Dmytrash, Tamara-
dc.contributor.authorYaroslavtseva, M.-
dc.contributor.authorChorna, H.-
dc.contributor.authorМарчій-Дмитраш, Тамара Михайлівна-
dc.identifier.citationShulha, L., Hnizdilova, O., Matishak, M., Marchii-Dmytrash, T., Yaroslavtseva, M., & Chorna, H. (2021). Developing Creative Abilities in Preschoolers in Painting Classes via the Principles of Neuropedagogy and Psychology of Creativity in Ukraine. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 13(4), 614-632. https://doi.org/10.18662/rrem/13.4/501uk_UA
dc.description.abstractAbstract: The article explains the contradictions in the Ukrainian system for developing creative abilities in preschoolers. It theoretically analyzes neuropedagogical and methodical aspects of developing creative abilities in preschoolers in painting classes. Besides, the article shows how they enhance professional training of fine arts teachers in Ukraine. It also presents and justifies the author’s set of competencies and recommendations for fine arts teachers working with preschoolers in the context of neuropedagogy and psychology of creativity. The article determines neuropedagogical and neuropsychological factors in the artistic creativity of preschoolers. It states that fine arts in preschool age act as a powerful tool for developing the child’s personality, shaping the self-concept and subjective self-identity. The international relevance of the article lies in the need: a) to disclose both destructive and transitional trends in primary school education in Ukraine to enhance its effectiveness; b) to reform the traditional system-centred education in the postSoviet countries towards a subject-centred one.uk_UA
dc.publisherRevista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionalauk_UA
dc.subjectfine arts, neurosciences, psychology of creativity, technology of development, professionalism of the teacher, educational process, pedagogical technologyuk_UA
dc.titleDeveloping Creative Abilities in Preschoolers in Painting Classes via the Principles of Neuropedagogy and Psychology of Creativity in Ukraine.uk_UA
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