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dc.contributor.authorПетровська, Ірина Ігорівна-
dc.contributor.authorРозвадовський, Володимир Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorПташник, Ірина Романівна-
dc.contributor.authorГрицан, Ольга Анатоліївна-
dc.identifier.citationIryna І. Petrovska, Volodymyr I. Rozvadovsky, Iryna R. Ptashnyk, Olga A. Grytsan. A human right can be in conflict with one or several other human rights. Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana. Año:23, n°82 (julio-septiembre), 2018, pp.159-169 (Universidad del zulia.maracaibo-Venezuela. ISSN1315-5216/ISSN-e:2477-9555). URL: https://zenodo.org/record/1495822#.XBJSUdQS_Gh DOI : http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1495822uk_UA
dc.identifier.issnе - 2477-9555-
dc.descriptionHistorically, human rights arose during certain events as a responseto harassment by the state. So, at first there was a so-called “the firstgeneration of human rights”, which today represents the civil and politicalrights embodied in the ICCPR. These rights are qualified as negative, asthe rights to protection from any interference, including the state’s, inthe realization of these rights. In turn, the second generation of humanrights arose in the struggle of peoples for improving their economiclife, increasing cultural statusuk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of the work is to analyze the conflicts between the rightsof one person with other rights. To achieve the goal, the authors studied the prevailingnorms in the legal field using the comparison method. International and regional legaldocuments that guarantee the right to life are characterized. It was established that theright to health care occupies a special place. It is determined that in the general complexof rights, women's rights are an integral part of it. Since almost every country does notcomply with international standards related to the health of women, which leads to anincreased mortality rate.uk_UA
dc.publisherUtopía y Praxis Latinoamericana (Universidad del zulia.maracaibo-Venezuela)uk_UA
dc.subjecthuman rightsuk_UA
dc.subjectconstitutional rightuk_UA
dc.subjectsecond-generation rightsuk_UA
dc.titleХарактеристика можливих конфліктів при реалізації прав людиниuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeA human right can be in conflict with one or several other human rightsuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (ННЮІ)

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