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Назва: Status in Social Networks as a Speech Genre
Автори: Savchuk, Ruslana
Formanova, Svitlana
Gusak, Liudmyla
Vorobiova, Tetiana
Dorofieieva, Olena
Smalko, Liudmyla
Савчук, Руслана Любомирівна
Ключові слова: virtual speech genre; communication; interaction; pragmatics; communicative and pragmatic aspect
Дата публікації: 20-бер-2021
Бібліографічний опис: Formanova, S., Gusak, L., Vorobiova, T., Savchuk, R., Dorofieieva, O., & Smalko, L. (2021). Status in Social Networks as a Speech Genre. Postmodern Openings, 12(1), 128-140. doi: 10.18662/po/12.1/250
Серія/номер: Volume 12;Issue 1
Короткий огляд (реферат): Modern linguistics is characterized by the establishment and formation of a new promising direction, based on anthropocentric theory of speech genres (TSG). The popularity of this direction lies in the interest of the scientists in the phenomenon of virtual communication, which has a certain structure and differs in mechanisms of influence on the social content. The multidimensionality and richness of genre forms determine the need for a diverse approach to the study of speech genres in modern genology. The aim of the article is to study and analyze the theory of speech genres in modern linguistics. The author presents the basic theoretical foundations of the study of the theory of speech genres. Taking into account the achievements of modern studies, the concept of speech genres is analyzed, features and functions of the visual elements of the speech genre are described. It is proved that the modern speech genre and its variety the virtual speech genre are an informational and communicative environment in which there is a certain styling, sphere of communication, speech behavior. The speech genre and the virtual speech genre belong to the written communication and rely on the fullest use of lexical, grammatical, graphic, and media means of speech, which foresees certain adjustments, as well as it differs by the form of dialogue and monologue.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/11890
ISSN: 2068-0236
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (ФФілолог)

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