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Автори: Protsyshyn, N.
Lisovska, I.
Лісовська, Інна Володимирівна
Ключові слова: Language, grammar, vocabulary
Language, grammar, vocabulary
Дата публікації: 2021
Видавництво: ТзОВ ВГЦ «Просвіта»
Бібліографічний опис: Practical Сourse of the English Language. Part I. [Практичний Курс Англійської Мови. Частина І. Розроблено для студентів І курсу немовних спеціальностей / упоряд. Н.А. Процишин, І. Лісовська]. 2-е вид.; доп. Івано-Франківськ: ТзОВ ВГЦ «Просвіта», 2021. 180 с. ISBN 978-617-7705-26-9
Короткий огляд (реферат): Modern condition of Ukraine’s international relations, its views on European and World integration make us consider English as an important means of multicultural communication. The main task of a foreign language as a university discipline is to help students acquire skills and abilities of oral and written communication according to needs and aims and social norms of language behaviour in different spheres and situations. The aim of this handbook is to meet the needs of teachers and students by combining the essentials of successful group management and teaching in a single, easily readable volume. It will help the reader develop into an aware self-critical learner with a sense of self-direction and self-evaluation; enable him/her to study the language and determine and improve an independent personal English speaking style. The handbook contains 11 units. Each of them covers a certain topic followed by active vocabulary notes, thematic word combinations and the most significant instructional skills and procedures. Points for discussion and a range of practical assignments, suggested at the end of each lesson, will help the instructor check students’ understanding of the material. Many of these assignments offer students homework questions which ask them to work at some projects on their own. These give them an excellent opportunity for reflection and consideration of their future communication. The handbook is designed so that it will help the students and teachers adapt the material presented in it to the university curricula that may differ in the amount of time devoted to the course. A list of recommended literature will enable the reader to better develop and improve her/his ideas further on. The list also includes Internet addresses of web sites which can give more information on each particular topic under discussion and much more. As a whole, the handbook provides a coherent curriculum for students’ work and may be used in the studying process at universities and colleges as well as a self-study guide for learners. The handbook is open to recommendations and further improvement.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/11409
ISBN: 978-617-7705-26-9
Розташовується у зібраннях:Навчальні матеріали (ФІМ)

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