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- q -поліноми Ерміта 1
- qnil-duo кільце 1
- QPSK 1
- QR-коди 1
- Qt, кросплатформне програмування, фреймворк 1
- quadratic form 1
- qualitative characteristics 1
- quality assurance of higher education, means of informatization, Great Britain, The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), Quality Management of Higher Education Institutions, quality of Student Education. 1
- quality education 2
- Quality management system, quality management system in higher education, ESG, ISO 9001, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 2100. 1
- quality of education 2
- quality of education, monitoring, methodological competence, teacher training 1
- quality of higher education 1
- quality of life 1
- Quality of Services 1
- quantum computation 3
- quantum genetic algorithm 3
- quantum interactive dualism, process philosophy, streams of consciousness, mental causality, H. Stapp, A. N. Whitehead, W. James. 1
- quantum register 1
- quantum size effects 1