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Showing results 4612 to 4631 of 34123
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- urban planning 1
- urban space, existential, anguish, fear, boundary situation, self-awareness; міський простір, екзистенція, туга, страх, межова ситуація, самоусвідомлення 1
- use of natural resources 1
- using the method of mathematical planning 1
- USSR 1
- UWB 1
- Übersetzungserbe 1
- V. Stefanyk, critique française, traduction, style, poétique, esthétique. 1
- V. Stefanyk, French-language literary criticism, translation. style, aesthetics. 1
- V.H. Kremen 1
- Vacancy 2
- Vaccinium 1
- valuable attitude 1
- value 1
- value attitude 1
- value orientation 1
- value orientation sphere 1
- Values 1
- values 3
- Variable Entropy 1