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- synonymy, extender, semantics, the functional and semantic potential, expanded model, semantic structure of the sentence 1
- syntagmatic connections 1
- syntax 1
- syntax, Ukrainian language, Polish language, semantics. 1
- Syringa 1
- Syrphidae 6
- system 1
- system of higher education 1
- system of legal entities; European Union; improvement of legislation; adaptation; entrepreneurial activity; organizational and legal forms. 1
- system of work partnership 1
- system, professional training, future masters of elementary education, higher education institution, innovation activity 1
- szczególnе korzystania 1
- szkoła wyższa 1
- SТЕАМ-проєкти 3
- t, State Strategy of Regional Development 1
- T-алгебра Лейбніца 1
- T-група 1
- T-метричний простір 1
- t-норма типу H 1
- tab 1