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- spruce drying 1
- sql 1
- squeeze-out 5
- Sr3La(AlO)3(BO3)4:Eu3 1
- stability 1
- stable process 2
- staff development 1
- stage 1
- stakeholder 1
- stakeholders 1
- standardization of education 1
- standardization, translation, non-standard vocabulary, neutralization, the language of the original, the language of the translation. 1
- standards 1
- Stanislav, Ivano-Frankivsk, a graduate of the Krakow Academy of Arts, Osyp Sorohtey, Denis Ivantsev, Mikhail Zoriy, Yaroslav Lukavetsky, Hrihory Kruk, modernism, postmodernism 1
- Stanislaviv eparchy, , priest, Underground, Greek Catholics, 1
- Stanislaviv, education, school, State Secretariat of education and religions, teaching convention, «Prosvita», «Mutual aid of Ukrainian teachers», «Young society». 1
- Stanisławów, Ivano-Frankivsk, polish memoirs, scientific commentary 1
- Stanisławów, twierdza, Andrzej Potocki, Pokucie, Rzecz Pospolita, ziemia Halicka, Czesław Chowaniec, Biblioteka polska w Paryżu 1
- Staphylinidae 1
- start-up компанії 1