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- science 3
- scientific activity; 1
- scientific and technical translation 1
- scientific language culture 1
- scientific literacy 1
- scientific revolutions 1
- scientific school 1
- Scilla bifolia L. 1
- scouting movement 1
- Scrophulariaceae 2
- SDN 1
- seasonal variation 1
- seasonality, tourist demand, resort, off-season, green rural tourism, managers of tourism. 1
- Secale сereale L. 1
- second language acquisition 1
- second language acquisition, input hypothesis, S. Krashen, S. 1
- Second Polish Commonwealth, Polish Ambassador B. Voicehovsky, Metropolitan A. Sheptytsky, Greek Catholic Church, Polish periodicals, Ukrainian periodicals. 1
- second predicate 1
- second-generation rights 1