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Showing results 3137 to 3156 of 33978
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- phonemic substitution 1
- phonetic and orthoepic competence, language personality, a student who is a future teacher of elementary school 1
- phonetics, aspects of sound phenomena, segmental phonetics, suprasegmental phonetics 1
- Phonetik, Vokale, Konsonanten, Aussprache 1
- photo club «Columbus», development of modern photography 1
- photosensitive element 1
- photovoltaic 1
- photovoltaics 1
- phraseological system 1
- phraseology 2
- physical development 1
- physical education 4
- physical education, students, correction of posture disorders, biogeometric profile 2
- Physical education; European experience; Bologna process; Valeological education; Extracurricular physical activity; Globalization. 1
- physical fitness 2
- physical fitness models 1
- physical health 1
- physical load, 1
- physical loading; adaptive potential; somatic health; biochemical indicators 1
- physical preparedness 2