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- Organization of the Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), farmers, agricultural policy, individual farm, the Soviet power, collective farms 1
- Organization of the Ukrainian Nationalists, Ukrainian Insurgent Army, the Soviet punitive and repressive system, the NKVD, the Committee of the State Security, Precarpathian military sports lyceum. 1
- organizational and pedagogical conditions of professional self-development 1
- Ornshtein-Uhlenbeck process 1
- Orrus, Orros, прозвані Руськими, Угорське королівство, династія Анжу, Русь, міграції, знать, нобілітет, просопографія 1
- Orthodoxy 1
- orthography, orthoepy, literary language, dialect, elementary school. 1
- OSCE 1
- Otiorhinchus 1
- outliers’ community 1
- outsourcing 2
- ownership 1
- Oxidative Stress 1
- oxidative stress 5
- oxidative stress indices 1
- oxide of metal 1
- oперація «Вісла» 1
- oптимізація 1
- p -автомат 1
- p -гармонійно опуклі функції 1