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Showing results 2295 to 2314 of 34168
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- language material 1
- language pluricentricity 2
- language teaching 1
- language terminology, English language 1
- Language, grammar, vocabulary 1
- language, linguistic principle, cultural identity, national identity, group iden-tity, educational strategies. 1
- language, linguistic principle, cultural identity, national identity, group identity, educational strategies. 1
- laser irradiation 1
- Lasius 1
- LAST 2
- Latin America 1
- LATT 2
- lattice parameter 1
- lattice parameter, holes concentration 1
- lattice path 1
- Lattice thermal conductivity; Nanoparticles; PbTe; Silver; Thermoelectric materials 1
- laugh 1
- Lavandula 1
- law 1
- law of obligations 5