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Showing results 2013 to 2032 of 35079
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- information protection 1
- information security 1
- information security Ukraine 1
- information society 1
- information technologies 2
- information technologies, future specialists, e-learning, blended learning, educational process 1
- Information Technology 1
- information technology 1
- Information, informative influence, informative war, informative factor, patriotic education, national education, man, citizen, national solidarity, altruism, egoism. 1
- information, visual communication, design, urban planning, advertising, visual image. 1
- informational and technologic competence, linguistic and technological competence, educational presentation, scientific presentation, virtual personality, mountainous school. 1
- informatization of education, future teachers, digital technologies, digital competence, professional training, institution of higher education 1
- informatization of society 1
- infrastructure 1
- initial abbreviation 1
- initial-boundary value problem 2
- Inmutation, psycholinguistic markers, sound letters, manipulation tools 1
- innovation 4
- Innovation Activity – Vocational Training – Professional Competence 1
- Innovation and Investment Activities of Organizations 1