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- forms of adaptation 1
- forms of cooperation of enterprises 1
- Foundation Maison des sciences de l'homme, Париж, Франція, Чеслав Хованець, Животворящий Хрест, наукові студії, медієвістика, Русь 1
- four-diagonal matrix 1
- FPGA 1
- frames 1
- frazeologia 1
- free elections 1
- free time 1
- free verse; intertextual/infratextual/intratextual context dimension; imagery; text-world, culture. 1
- freedom of contrac 1
- freedom, culture, education, human being, personality, educational specialist, humanity, value, responsibility 1
- freeze-out 6
- freightage 1
- French borrowings 1
- French language, authentic materials, foreign language communicative competence, intercultural communication. 1
- French literature, comparative literature, Department of French Philology of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. 1
- Fresnel integrals 1
- Freudism 1
- Fritillaria ruthenica 1